Resources for Secondary Schools
Create a school portal to access the Good Mental Health Matters FREE teaching resources for pupils in Years 6 to 13.
Around 50% of all mental health issues take root by the age of 14. We want to ensure teachers in Kent have the tools they need to promote good mental health in the environment where young people spend the majority of their time – their school.
Good Mental Health Matters is a free online resource, designed to give teachers and education professionals the information and resources they need to confidently engage with young people on the subject of mental health. Once registered, teachers can set up and manage online classrooms on the portal to access and set a series of age-appropriate tasks for each class.
These resources are focused on five common sense approaches to good mental health – eating well, sleeping well, managing your social media, getting the right amount of exercise and staying positive.
School portal features
- Educational films
- Downloadable activity sheets
- Interactive quiz for students
- View quiz results for class discussion
- Set up and manage classrooms